Showing newest 21 of 87 posts from May 2008. Show older posts
Showing newest 21 of 87 posts from May 2008. Show older posts
Friday, May 30, 2008
John McCain vs. Ageism
As we enter this fall's presidential race, there is an unfortunate likelihood that we will encounter prejudice from some. However, the prejudice will not be as one-sided as one would imagine. Certainly Obama's status as the first legitimate African-American contender places him at the center of a bigot's ire, but his counterpart will experience his own form of -ism. John McCain is running for the most demanding job in the world at age 71. Only two other presidents have been elected in the latter half of their 60's. Ronald Reagan, was 69 when he took the office, and William Henry Harrison, a sprite 68 in 1841. While Obama will likely see most of his prejudice in subtle terms, McCain faces a potentially vociferous bias. Part of the reason is constitutional, in 1976 the Supreme Court ruled in Massachusetts Board of Retirement v. Murgia, that age discrimination does not amount to a suspect class. This meant that ageism did not deserve the same strict protections under the Equal Protection clause that race, religion and national orgin did. Part of this seems unfair, one should not be disadvantaged or treated unfairly for something they have no control over. However, there is a reality to aging, none can deny that facilities fade as time passes by. Much of the ageism directed at McCain is largely cruel and unwarranted. Everyone ages differently, McCain had 6 years of his life stolen from him and seems to show no sign of slowing down. It is blissful ignorance to hope this election season will feature little noise about age bias, perhaps it would be helpful to remember the vices of a particularly young ex-president. Bill Clinton was a ruby cheeked 46 when he took the office, and we all know he wasn't done sowing his wild oats.

Old School Conservation
One of the most crucial issues facing our country is consumption. Every day we are reminded that our environment cannot sustain our rapid growth and bad habits. Despite the unfortunate politicization of global warming/climate change, few can argue that "going green" isn't in our best interest. However, at times it seems like the tone of the environmental movement has been misguided. People have been scared into thinking "going green" is a new type of lifestyle; hybrid cars, organic food, and yoga. Those over the age of 40 feel left behind already by the internet, add environmental consciousness to the mix and you have a generation gap the size of polar ice caps. For starters, much of what we need to change doesn't involve doing new things at all, but rather a return to our past. The generation of Americans that grew up in the shadow of the Depression, and ultimately became The Greatest Generation, actually knew a thing or two about conservation. They grew up hearing a litany of reminders from their mothers, "turn off the lights when you leave the room, turn off the water when you brush your teeth, only 1 hour of T.V. time per day, only take what you need." This type of Ward Cleaver conscientiousness will go a lot further towards reducing our global footprint that the latest eco-fad. The hipness of "going green" is part of the problem, often trends begin with great enthusiasm, and all too often falter under the weight of their own failed expectations. In today's instant gratification society, it is easy to see a moment in the near future when environmentalism loses it cachet. This is by no means an attempt to trivialize or minimize the significance and importance of changing our national habits, but merely an attempt to understand why so many talk the the talk, but so few walk the walk.
A major problem for the broad based environmental movement is the apparent outstanding issues in alternative energy. The rush to ethanol as a national panacea has faded in the dim reality of cost. Simply put, it is not creating an energy profit. As Mr. Wall Street Fighter succintly states, " It take 7.3 pounds of soybean oil to make 1 gallon of ethanol. And it's how much per pound, 63 cents? Add in processing cost..." Adding to the problem is the question of what happens when you use all your food to make fuel? Our national attention span will not tolerate failures. However, it would be a tremendous mistake to discount the viability of biofuels. Brazil has shown the world that sugarcane can power a large nation, but their success did not come overnight. It took the better part of a decade, a luxury our procrastination no longer affords us. With gas prices rising, along with practically everything else, the urgency is palpable. But another Cleaverism proves telling again, "haste makes waste." In our hurry to become self sustainable we might have taken a wrong turn. We must not let "going green" become a fading fad, but rather we must instill those Depression era fears in our youth. Sometimes the fear of losing it all brings out the best in people.

Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Globalization of the empty stomach

The Girls from Ipanema

Saul Alinsky and the 2008 Democratic Party

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
While I was reading Beckett Magazine, others read Rushdie

Numero Uno Beefcake

Utah's Guide to Summer Style

Monday, May 26, 2008
Coveted Intangibles in College Football
The beauty of college football is that there are many different recipes for success. Some are a creature of circumstance, others are the result of conscious creation. The common denominator is that successful programs find an angle and pursue it to their advantage. These attributes, reputations, and innovations are then widely imitated once their brilliance is revealed. Here are some of college football's most coveted intangibles.
Notre Dame Tradition: Once could fill a Golden Dome with it, Knute Rockne, The Four Horseman, Win One for the Gipper, The Golden Boy, Rudy, Touchdown Jesus and more. Notre Dame's early national exposure continues to directly benefit the program today. Many programs have been around just as long, and even won more games, but Notre Dame still corners the market on college football tradition. Others have legitimate traditions of their own, but few command the advantage in recruiting, fan loyalty, and exposure that stems from the storied past of the Irish.
Miami Hurricanes Speed, Swagger, and Pro-Style Offenses: Beginning with Howard Schnellenberger in the early 80's and flourishing under Jimmy Johnson, the Hurricanes introduced a new brand of football to ABC Saturdays. Most telling was the unparalleled team speed that produced immediate sustained success for a once moribund program. High school safeties and running backs were converted to linebackers and former linebackers turned into fearsome rush ends. The Canes also innovated on offense, after Schnellenberger installed a Pro-Style passing attack that made stars out of Jim Kelly, Bernie Kosar, Vinny Testaverde, Steve Walsh, and more recently Gino Torretta and Ken Dorsey. However it is their controversial use of intimidation and swagger that turned the college football on its ear. Once universally staid, college football had never before seem the taunting, celebrating and emotion of the Canes. Unquestionably an advantage after setting the longest home winning streak in NCAA history , the Canes have been mimicked by others, but never matched. Most notably FSU employed faster players and Pro-Style with success, but 5 national championships to 2, proves the indomitable advantage enjoyed by the "U."
Florida Gators Innovation: Ever since Bear Bryant famously referred to the Gators as a "sleeping giant," they have awoken. From it's athletic department to offenses, the Gators have done things their way and had astounding success. Beginning with Gatorade, and continuing with text messaging Urban Meyer, the Gators have been ahead of the curve. Relying on organized and generous alumni and booster groups, the UF Athletic Department is well funded and the results have shown. Simultaneous football and basketball championships are no fluke, the Gators are a marvel of innovation and commitment.
Nebraska Power: Ever since Nebraska became the first athletic department to have a full time strength coach in 1969, the Huskers have been synonymous with muscle. For nearly 40 years Boyd Epley took chubby farm boys and turned them into linebacker mauling monsters, paving the way for legions of fleet backs. The Huskers were among the first to have a state-of-the-art weight training facilities and the dedication has paid off. Once perennially among the NCAA leaders in team rushing, the Huskers have since abandoned this one-time advantage and suffered as a result. Other programs caught up quickly, but up to the late 90's the Big Red maintained a reputation for producing physically imposing teams. Returning to their strong suit would go along towards pointing Nebraska in the right direction.
Virginia Tech's Grassroots Growth: Since Frank Beamer took over in 1987, the Hokies have clawed their way to the upper echelon of college football. Largely through persistence and grit, VA Tech stands as a model of the meritocracy that is college football. Once a loser, Beamer turned the Hokies around by building fan loyalty and creating the culture of "Beamerball." Other hard luck teams have had more stunning turnarounds, Northwestern in 1995, and similar successes, Kansas State, but none have made the total transformation to perennial juggernaut. By paying attention to details, and instilling a blue-collar work ethic, Beamer and the Hokies are an example of a school elbowing its way to the head table.
Southern Cal Glamour: USC has glamour of both old school and new school appeal. Once buoyed by the beauty of cheerleaders in tight sweaters, and the majesty of their noble steed Traveler, the Trojans have recently updated their allure. Beginning with Pete Carroll's hiring in 2001, USC has set the standard for the modern program. First and foremost, Carroll represents a new breed of coaches far removed from the gruffness of Woody Hayes and the like. Gregarious, outgoing, and youthful, Pete Carroll has infused his personality into the program. No wonder the recruiting hauls keep coming, having a coach as the current benchmark of the "player's coach," makes for easy fishing. USC benefits from the absence of a local NFL team to compete for weekend headlines and as a result, stars like Matt Leinart, and Reggie Bush have furthered the allure of the Trojans. All of this adds up to a team that will continue to roll thanks to national exposure courtesy of old school glamour and Pete Carroll's appeal.

The First Arab-American War

Sunday, May 25, 2008
Obama's Heavyweight Bouts
As Barack Obama’s nomination seems increasingly likely, one would assume the political tensions that have simmered for so long would take a respite. No chance. The rested and restless Republican Party is now ratcheted up its quadrennial attack on another DNC foe. Despite having endured Team Clinton, Obama now faces the trickier and more powerful foe, the Republican Machine. After two Republican triumphs in each Bush election, the reputation of Karl Rove and his minions for outstanding work was burnished. Surely each election was unique, the GOP needed the Supreme Court’s nod in 2000, and the Swift Boat nastiness in 2004. But in each case, it was the organization and resources of the Republican Party that ultimately deserve the credit for each triumph. Despite the possible balkanization of the Dems after Hillary’s extended attempt, 2008 seems to signal the beginning of a level playing field. The Democratic Party has demonstrated better fundraising, organization, and buzz in the last year, unseen since Bubba caught fire in 1992.
Though formidable in their own right, and braced for a fight, Obama and his Party face a dangerous opponent. As the Swift Boat Veterans proved, well funded special interest groups can alter the course of a national election. Political science has never been so technical, voting districts and polling numbers can be crunched and analyzed in endless ways. By carefully targeting their message, groups can achieve maximum impact in crucial districts. This tactic was renewed this weekend when South Floridians opened their Thursday papers. As Obama stopped by Palm Beach, Broward, and Dade counties for a 3 day swing, the Republican machine stepped up to the plate.
A full page ad by the Republican Jewish Coalition took a strong stance against Obama for his alleged softness for Palestinian plight. The ad goes on to question Obama’s belief in unconditional sit downs with world leaders, friend and foe. With pinpoint precision, the GOP special interests groups have selected an essential target. South Florida is a crucial battleground for Florida’s 25 Electoral College votes. More specifically, it is the home of several groups of voters with unique concerns. Maintaining America’s largest Jewish and Cuban Diasporas, South Florida will undoubtedly influence the course of the next election. Obama’s speech about Cuba and his future plans for the island on Friday will likely go a long way to converting some of the often loyal Cuban GOPists. However, the Jewish population seems to be a tougher audience. Other battlegrounds remain crucial to the outcome of the election, but few feature a trickier, more multinational populace than South Florida. The attacks will get dirty and personal, but this time the Dems won't get caught with their pants down. More savvy this time, the attacks will fly both ways as the fall draws near. Voters will have to navigate a sea of sharks and jellyfish, hopefully the policy issues stay above the fray, and not disguised by attack ads.
Though formidable in their own right, and braced for a fight, Obama and his Party face a dangerous opponent. As the Swift Boat Veterans proved, well funded special interest groups can alter the course of a national election. Political science has never been so technical, voting districts and polling numbers can be crunched and analyzed in endless ways. By carefully targeting their message, groups can achieve maximum impact in crucial districts. This tactic was renewed this weekend when South Floridians opened their Thursday papers. As Obama stopped by Palm Beach, Broward, and Dade counties for a 3 day swing, the Republican machine stepped up to the plate.

Saturday, May 24, 2008
May 24, 1941

His lyrics from "Talkin World War III Blues" speak of today's climate as well:
"All the people can be half right some of the time,
Some of the people can be all right part of the time.
But all the people can't be all right all the time.
Abraham Lincoln said that.
I'll let you be in my dream, if I can be in yours,
I said that."
The actual quote attributed to Lincoln is: "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time."
Friday, May 23, 2008
Toucan Sam

He was sensitve to the word "bald"

"I wish that the bald eagle had not been chosen as the representative of our country, he is a bird of bad moral character, he does not get his living honestly, you may have seen him perched on some dead tree, where, too lazy to fish for himself, he watches the labor of the fishing-hawk, and when that diligent bird has at length taken a fish, and is bearing it to its nest for the support of his mate and young ones, the bald eagle pursues him and takes it from him.... Besides he is a rank coward; the little kingbird, not bigger than a sparrow attacks him boldly and drives him out of the district. He is therefore by no means a proper emblem for the brave and honest. . . of America.. . . For a truth, the turkey is in comparison a much more respectable bird, and withal a true original native of America . . . a bird of courage, and would not hesitate to attack a grenadier of the British guards, who should presume to invade his farmyard with a red coat on."

In terms of predatory behavior, Franklin is mostly right on describing eagle's methods. Eagles are carrion eaters, yet also scoop fish out of lakes and large rivers on their own merit. They have been known for stealing another's lunch, giving them the unsavory reputation Franklin complains of. However eagles and wild turkeys are natural residents of North America, so his nativity argument is weak. Other differences between the birds make the turkey less appealing as our national symbol. The immediate pro for the eagle is its commanding presence and imposing size. The clucking and waddling turkey seems docile in comparison. Turkeys are simple omnivore foragers, so their eating habits add little symbolic presence to counteract the image of a swift strike by an eagle. Juxtaposing their ability to fly is one physical attribute that the turkey measures up favorably. Wild turkeys have a quick trigger to flight and can reach 50 mph. Whereas the eagle, easily visualized soaring mightily, often only reaches 45 MPH in the air. Sexually the eagle mates the old fashioned way, males fly home to impress the ladies with calls, and displays of physical prowess. The turkey's sexual appetite is decidedly less appealing, while they do strut their stuff, they are avid polygamists. Managing a few mates at once, the turkey is a better symbol of the early Mormon church and it's current nutty sects in the Southwest.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Constitutional Candidates?
If the Democratic and Republican nominations play out as expected, this fall will feature two candidates on the opposite end of the identity spectrum. John McCain, longtime Senator, former P.O.W., will headline the Republican ticket and push the party's agendas of promoting security abroad, and conservative social policies at home. It appears that Barack Obama will headline the Dems, his platform will feature promises of change, social and economic progress, and hope. One delicious irony of this Presidential race will be the fact that one candidate was born in the United States, and one was not. One would likely guess the foreign-born as Obama, the one who grew up in Indonesia. However, he is not. Obama was born in Hawaii, spent much of his youth in Southeast Asia, and returned to the island state for high school. Despite his time abroad, Obama is unquestionably a constitutionally sufficient candidate. Article II of the Constitution plainly reads: "No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President." This certainty cannot be extended to McCain. Born during his father's deployment in the Panama Canal Zone in 1936, John McCain is not a natural born citizen. Despite this technicality, and lack of precedent, McCain is unlikely to face a constitutional challenge to his candidacy. It would be a callous distinction, and one that would undermine the sacrifice given by those in the armed forces stationed abroad. However, it serves as a reminder, one should not be judged where they came from, but rather what they have become.

The Panama Canal was opened in 1914 and remained under U.S. control until December 31, 1999. After WWII, Panamanians began to assert their right for autonomous control of the Panama Canal Zone. Under the 1977 agreement made by President Jimmy Carter, the canal was ceded to Panama, with the understanding of an equal right of access.
Barak Obama,
Ex Presidents,
John McCain,
Latin America,
U.S. History
What's the cushiest job in sports?

The Designated Hitter position is every selfish kid's dream. Whether it be kickball, Wiffleball, or baseball, hitting is pure fun. MLBers like Papi get to sit around the dugout for a few hours and take a few practice hacks every now and then. About every 30 minutes you get to bat, but never have to run out to the field afterwards. Unlike punters, the DH offers ample opportunity for glory, and a likelihood of being one the highest paid players on the team. However much of what makes punting appealing applies to DH, minimized risk of injury, along with a diminished need for physical exertion.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
People I don't understand

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